Thursday, August 23, 2007

Linux update

I'm finally done with switching linux distributions. The one I settled with is Debian. Why you ask? For a couple reasons. 1. It just works. It boots fast and is solid and consistent. 2. Some other distributions I tried...including Fedora which I thought was excellent until I discovered that it and others had an issue when running Firefox where the whole OS would slow down. That is unacceptable to me and could be duplicated by visiting Debian doesn't have this issue.

Ubuntu is widely claimed as the "best distribution", but I disagree. Ubuntu is just Debian with a pretty face and some scars being hid under makeup. One of the main things about Ubuntu that made me wonder is it would ask for the user password when wanting root privileges. Hmmm, Debian asks for the root password. Whom do you trust for security? not to mention Ubuntu uses non-stable repositories, where Debian only uses stable ones unless you add others. There are some other differences, but to make this short Debian is clearly the winner. Ubuntu is only for beginners that don't know anything about Linux and once they learn they most likely will move on.

What makes Linux so great is that you don't have to settle for one distribution. Remember that "Linux" is just the kernal and that the rest of the OS is put together by the makers of the distribution. Sure there are similarities between all distributions but the subtleties are what makes the difference.

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