Saturday, August 18, 2007

Linux Distributions

It's been awhile since I posted and I haven't spent much time with windows shells recently because I started using linux again. I originally started to use linux back in the redhat 4.1 days around '95. It was pretty basic back then and a lot of editing files had to be done. It has come a long way since then. I have tried several Linux distributions in the last few months. I started with Ubuntu since I heard it was the "best distribution" and then tried Absolute Linux, PClinuxOS, and Fedora linux. Out of this group I think Fedora wins hands down. It has the best installer of the group and best stability/security. All of the distributions have a lot of gui tools to help with administration tasks and pretty boot loaders, etc. I would rate these distributions in this order: 1. Fedora 2. Ubuntu 3. PClinuxOS 4. Absolute

My first criteria is stability, with the second being the ability to easily add applications, and third is looks. I think both Ubuntu and PClinuxOS were good looking distributions with fancy boot screens and backgrounds. However, they didn't quite live up to their looks when it came to performance and use.

I will probably try more distributions in the future and may change my mind :)

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