Wednesday, May 18, 2005


I noticed that they released a new UXTheme patcher v.4.0 for windowsXP so I downloaded it and started checking out the new styles for XP. There are some really nice ones on here: Check out the ones with the highest ranking.

Go check them out it really makes using XP a little more sweet. Even alt shells look better with new window buttons and skins.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


So I noticed that bblean 1.16 has been released. I downloaded it installed great. Then I noticed that Grischka released bbiconbox. hmmm new plugin, sounds interesting. It's way more than that. It can become a tray, taskbar, and launcher. I configured it and now it has become my default shell. I no longer need the bbleanbar or any other bar. This is an awesome plugin. All you need is bblean with this plugin and you have a complete shell! If you are using bblean or Blackbox for windows...get this plugin, its great!

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Shell news

ok, so I'm a shell addict...yes I have tried every shell available to mankind. And its no secret the ones I prefer... Litestep, geoshell, emergedesktop, bluebox, bblean, Talisman, and Serenade. Yes there are differences between them, but each has a unique quality. I like litestep when I want to program and modify anything. I like emerge when I just want things to work. I prefer Talisman when I want eye candy. And I prefer bluebox when I want to multitask...just click the next button and the next window appears. But I must say that each are far better than the lame windows explorer shell. I can't remember the last time I was stuck using that POS. I can't believe the XP explorer shell still lets windows go under the taskbar when on top... geeez Anyway. I love alt shells about as much as my girlfriend...maybe a bit more :) And I made this page to help others to see the light. If you have a question or issue with any alt shell please let me know. Most likely I have ran into it before and can help you.